New Life Auxiliaries/Departments
Elders and Ministers
We are given the charge by God to proclaim the gospel of Jesus. We serve in the spirit of excellence with integrity and compassion for our church, community, our nation and our world. We are also men and woman who are called into ministry to reach the lost at any cost.
Primarily responsible for assisting the Pastor to meet the needs of the membership. In addition, deacons are responsible for maintaining the edifice and the grounds.
Responsible for ministering to the needs of families in various ways, which includes but not limited to the prison ministry, homeless shelter, and nursing home ministry. The missionaries also have the task of assisting with the care of new members.
The Sunshine Band
The Sunshine Band was organized with the purpose of nurturing kids, ages 12 and under, through ministry.
The Sunshine Band teaches concepts of the bible including: the love of God and God’s Son, Jesus, rules of ministry, as well as scriptures that provide a foundation for understanding, faith, love, grace, salvation and practical precepts for living holy and productive lives.
Youth Department
The youth department is designed to provide a comfortable and open atmosphere through mentoring and spiritual development to cultivate growth for children ages 12-18. Through drama, music, arts and craft and relevant bible studies, we prepare our youth to be a light in a dark world.
Church Mothers
Task is to help build every auxiliary of the women’s department in the local church. The mothers also have the task of assisting in teaching and training the younger women in the ways of the Lord.
Godly men and women designated to greet and welcome our visitors, guest, and members. The hospitality has the task of ensuring everyone experience the love of Christ in our church.
Godly men and women who have dedicated themselves to serve in a graceful and undisrupted matter. The ushers provide comfort throughout the congregation as well as maintain order during the worship service.
The musical expression of praise and worship played out in a three-part harmony; proclaiming God’s desire for us to keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace. The music department is composed of the New Life Sanctuary choir, praise team, and the Bishop J.E. Hogan chorale.
The YWCC/CWC are a group of women that stand as a support to each other in times of insecurity, passion, disappointments, happiness, or success while maintaining a firm concentration of God’s and His ways.
Pastor’s Aid/Nursing Unit
The arm of God’s love and care ministering to the needs of our leader.